The Best Event Organizer Service for Corporate Event MICE & Training Capacity Building

Based in South Jakarta, IJK is one of Indonesia's top 40 event organizers, specializing in corporate events, MICE, and training capacity building across the ASEAN region. With over a decade of experience under Director Ny. Mawar Putri, we offer extensive expertise, backed by ISO 9001:2015 certification. Our BNSP-certified team ensures every event is executed with precision, attention to detail, and high quality. The images below showcase destinations that have witnessed the evolution of events organized by PT Inti Jasa Kreatif.
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Why Chose us?
Our top value categories for you
Excellent Service
We build lasting relationships through fast response, friendly and personalised interactions.
Customer Centric
Tailoring your unique needs. With your preferences, we build truly personalized experience
Continuous Improvement
as an event organizer company, continuous improvement is our core mission, driving us to surpass each vision with precision and dedication.
Professional Team
Professional team is our core theme, turning dreams into reality with expertise and esteem. Our team is also certified by BNSP in their fields.
Sustainability is our core vow, crafting events that thrive, with care for the Earth here and now.
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Trusted Event Organizer
We are your reliable partner in organizing unforgettable event whether it’s your gathering, capacity building and traveling. Experience and dedication create the perfect.
Our Partners
Our partnerships are grounded in a shared commitment to quality and excellence. We work closely with our partners to deliver the best possible outcomes.
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